Monday, June 11, 2012

Consulting the Internet

I tried some Google searches last night and then got frustrated and decided to check Facebook. Lo and behold, there was a post from a former coworker about Adopt a Lab, a Lab rescue program she used to get her dog 5 or so years ago.

I checked the site, not expecting to find anything great, but right away I saw a puppy! An ADORABLE puppy. A 9-week-old puppy. A black lab. Be still, my beating heart!

I emailed an application right away and got an automated response saying it would first be a few days before I'd hear back.

Deep breaths.

Then I spent all day today anxiously checking my email every few seconds to see if they'd responded yet. I know, I know. I couldn't help it! Finally, I got a generic-sounding email with a woman's phone number, and I called her right away.

She picked up and said the puppy was still available and they'd accepted my application. I NEARLY JUMPED OUT OF MY SKIN IN EXCITEMENT. This was really happening!!! Mike and I talked it over and decided it was a great deal: $400 for the puppy, which includes getting her spayed, 3 vaccinations, a free first veterinary visit, and the beginning of a heartworm-prevention program. And they have a 2-3 week trial period, so if it doesn't work out for any reason, they'll take the puppy back and either give you a full refund or help match you with a different puppy.

I spent the rest of the afternoon trying not to burst from how excited I am. We're going to pick her up this weekend! By this time next week, we'll have a puppy of our very own. :) :) :) :) :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you decided to get a rescue puppy. I am not anti-breeder (just anti-bad breeder) - but somehow it makes it extra special when you know you've helped out a rescue puppy or rescue dog.

    She's really beautiful and I hope she brings you a lot of joy over the next 15 plus years!
