Friday, June 15, 2012

Choosing a name for the puppy

This decision feels all-important, defining, terrifying. I imagine the feeling is similar when choosing a name for a baby, though perhaps more daunting because it lasts longer (the name, I mean -- though probably also the feeling, come to think of it).

The guidebooks have some helpful guidelines:
  1. Choose a name that is only one or two syllables long
  2. Make sure it doesn't sound like a command or commonly used word (e.g., Flo sounds like "No")
  3. But don't make it too complicated (e.g., Snuffleupagus)
But after that point you're kind of on your own. What to choose??

We started by coming up with names from our favorite TV shows, movies, books, and songs. But then we realized that 75% of the names we'd come up with were male names... they wouldn't suit our sweet little girl puppy. So now we're down to a couple of finalists... ackkk.

Well, I guess we have eight hours in the car to look forward to. By this time tomorrow we'll have a puppy in the car with us and will hopefully have decided on a name. Stay tuned!

(Puppy puppy puppy puppy puppy puppy puppy puppy...)

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